Time to learn about Social Media Marketing: Chapter 1

    Today, I started reading a book called Essentials of Social Media Marketing for my Principles of Social Media class. The first chapter discusses the evolution of social media. Reading through the chapter I learned that people spend a lot more time on social media which has surpassed the time of watching TV. I was surprised that by the beginning of 2021, the total number of active social media users reached about 4.2 billion which is representing over 53.6% of the world's population. This means that social media is still growing and people's time is spent on social platforms. Wherever I go I see people on their phones either talking, texting, or even on their social media. Furthermore, something that I found interesting is that some people between the ages of 18-44 state that they can not recall the last time they have misplaced their phone. From the chapter, the average user spends 2 hours 25 mins each day on social media which is approximately equivalent to one walking day of their life every week which I found was pretty crazy. When people are on their social platforms they spend most of their time on YouTube which is followed by Facebook. These results don't surprise me as much because they are the most used social media platforms for people to post videos or photos about their lives. Overall, the evolution of social media is still growing and people are using social platforms to communicate with other people every day. So ask yourself this question, how much time do you spend on social media?


  1. I was also surprised that most people do not remember the last time they lost their device! I do not understand how so many people never let their phone leave their side. I felt the same way about the statistics on social media usage as you did. To answer your question, I do not spend as much time on social media as the average person does. I am proud of that!

  2. We have entered an age where social media and technology control our lives. Sometimes I wish I grew up during my parents' era where they were disconnected from technology. Nowadays everyone is just disconnected from their emotions. I found out today that I average 2 hours on social media a day so at least I am under the average! Truthfully though I would benefit more from living in the moment versus focusing on a screen.

  3. I think it's crazy that most people don't remember the last time they lost their phone, but I also don't remember the last time I lost mine! According to my screen time, I spend around 3 hours a day on social media, I blame Tik Tok... Maybe this year I will make a late resolution to spend less time on my phone!

  4. Hi Ammryn! I think this blog really capture the issue of social media taking over our lives and having control on us. I also see people on their phones wherever they go even when they are with groups of people. I too am guilty of that haha. Even though YouTube and Facebook are the top two apps people spend the most time on, my app would definitely have to be Tik Tok like Anna said. You can constantly scroll through that app for hours which is dangerous for me. Reading your blog was eye opening and makes me think I need to change how much time I spend on social media!

  5. It definitely made me feel better knowing that I am not alone in preferring social media to TV sometimes. While I don't necessarily find it inherently bad at this point, it is absolutely essential to remain aware of how any media we engage in affects us. When we can't separate ourselves from the media, that is where the danger comes.


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