Doing a Podcast with Brooke Allen! Who did we interview?

    I have to say I have never done a podcast before but my friend Brooke and I took it up this week for our class assignment. But let me tell you it was kind of tricky but fun at the same time! Brooke and I needed to find someone that had a lot of experience with social media but we were running low on time. So, I mention to Brooke, "what about Alyson Hoffman, she would be the perfect candidate for our podcast assignment and could answer our questions!" Once I said that to Brooke, she was all on board! So I contacted Alyson and she said, "I've got it down in my calendar." Next thing, we were interviewing Alyson Hoffman about social media! Alyson is a Junior, majoring in quite a few things and minoring in Social Media! In addition, she is involved with many clubs on campus. The topic that we wanted to discuss with Alyson was the authenticity of social media. Interviewing her about this topic was amazing! I enjoy every minute of it. We talked about what influences "power or dominance" on social media and more! We asked a lot of questions about authenticity on social media and Alyson's perspective on it. I think this interview with her was a great experience we even talked about how we all should meet up more often and talk about our lives with one another. It even made me think maybe Brooke and I should start a podcast talking about our crazy lives or talking about topics in society today. I think Brooke and I having a podcast would be very interesting because it would probably be an hour-long podcast talking about who knows what! But if you want to check out our podcast with Alyson Hoffman here is the link: Also, if you are wondering what questions we asked her. Look down below! Until next time!

Questions: Authenticity on Social Media

Hey guys! This is Ammryn and Brooke. Today, we are interviewing Alyson Hoffman, she is a Junior majoring in Public Relations, Communication, Marketing, and minoring in Social Media. The topic that we are discussing today is Authenticity on Social Media.

  1. When social media is mentioned in the PR world what is the first thing that comes to mind?

  2. What do you think influences “power or dominance” on social media?

  3. How have you seen different types of authenticities from different companies and or people? (putting on a show vs core values)

  4. What are key elements of an authentic social media page?

  5. Should social media be a highlight reel or is it okay to show vulnerability?

  6. Have you geared your social media a specific way for professionals (in the workplace) to see?

  7. With the evolution of social media, how do you see it impacting your career?  (professionally and personally)


  1. What’s the impact that you have seen of ONUs social media accounts and what aspects of the accounts do you view as authentic?

  2. What is the most important thing to remember when staying authentic on social media?


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