Tips on Time Management as a College Student

    Being a college student, being in many organizations, and having multiple jobs on campus. A few people have asked me how I manage my time, how do I stay organized, and how do you make time for myself? My response is that I have a planner! You probably think I have one, but I have multiple planners because of how many tasks I have to juggle in one day, week, or month. 

    But if you are as busy as a bee and feel like you run around in circles every day like I feel! Hopefully, some of these tips that I am about to give can help you feel more in control of your day and make it less stressful!

1. Get a planner!

    I found having a planner whether it is a Google calendar or an agenda to track your work. I found it helpful to find or have as many calendars as possible that help you feel that you relieve some stress. I have a whiteboard calendar to write down any doctor appointments, meetings, and work, another one is my academic agenda for all my schoolwork, and my Google calendar that tracks everything from meetings to schoolwork. Having these three planners I have found it to be very beneficial for me to stay organized. 

2.  Start writing plans down a week or a month ahead of time.

    When I start a new week or month I set out a time for me to write everything down that I have going on in that week or month to see my plans ahead of time so if I have setting up plans with friends or doing schoolwork, I am aware of my time that I am spending with them to see how much time I am spending with them and for myself.

3. If you have a Google Calendar, block out your time for lunch.

    I was told to block out my lunchtime it has helped me out so much because it gives me time to myself and not have to think about schoolwork or life.

4. Make time for yourself.

    I will say if you have time in your schedule have some downtime for yourself because it will give you time to reset and not overwork yourself when doing schoolwork or worrying about little things in life.

    I know I am not a certified professional on how you should do time management, but I wanted to share some of my experiences of how I manage my time to help others who may not know how to manage their work and life. Let me know if you want more blogs like these!


  1. I live by my Google Calendar. I would definitely be so lost without it! I also have a sticky note wall in my dorm full of tasks so once I complete one I can have the satisfaction of physically taking it down and throwing it away.

  2. My planner and Google Calendar is what I live by! Especially since you showed me how to get my Canvas calendar onto my personal Google Calendar! Blocking out time for lunch has truly helped me too! It made me better at making time for and taking care of myself! Thank you for all the tips and tricks!


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